This panel explored the future of policy setting for addressing and domain names in the burgeoning Web3, blockchain, and cryptocurrency space. Over 25 years ago policymakers established parameters for Internet addressing to protect innovators and to avoid collisions. Since then domain name protocols have been at the heart of major policy battles on censorship, copyright, privacy, cybersecurity, and Internet governance. How will these new decentralized addressing protocols handle these inevitable policy challenges? Does ICANN have a role? Will the federal government issue a new DWeb addressing green paper?

Our Panelists:

Kurt Opsahl, Associate General Counsel for Cybersecurity and Civil Liberties Policy, Filecoin Foundation

Chjango Unchained, Executive Director @ dWeb Foundation, Head of Ecosystem at Cosmos Network

Ram Mohan, Chief Strategy Officer, Identity Digital

Christian Dawson, Executive Director, i2 Coalition